Become a millionaire with Forex trading, spend a dollar

Tranding is great for investment, where investment is the trend of business in the modern era. Technology is growing day by day. That opportunity should not be missed for business. Become a millionaire with Forex trading, spend a dollar (Dollar $) - Welcome and gain much dollar. Open a $250,000 live Forex trading account and make 400 % profit. Now, lets say you have access to $250,000 dollars and you decide to open a Forex trading account and trade Forex. For this amount to make $ 1 million dollars in profit, you need to increase your trading account by 400%. If you were to make 1 million dollars in a year, then you have to average 33.3% profit each month. Is getting 33.3% profit per month realistic? Yes and No. I say yes, because there will be some months you can get 30% Forex  profits or more and there will be months when you will make less and there will be months when you can also lose.
But what if on average, you were making 10 % profit each month? How long will it take before you make $1 million dollars? It will take 3.3 years for you to make 1 million dollars in profit. This also takes a long time and also requires a lot of hard work to make that happen. PLUS….retail traders rarely have $5000 to fund an account.  $250000 is out of reach.
Open a $500,000 live Forex trading account and make 200 % profit.
This gets even better…now lets say that you have a $500,000 real Forex trading account.  You want to make 1 million dollars in Forex profits.All you need to do is increase your Forex trading account by 200% and you will have 1 million dollars. If you were to make an average of 10% profit a month, it will take 1.7 years for you to make 1 million dollars. Achieving one million dollar profit with 500,000$ reduces that amount of time it take to make if you are averaging 10% profit per month. If you had such a trading account, making 1 million dollars would not be difficult at all. dollar, dollar and dollar. Good job friends !